This post is a little bit Mother's Day continued, because my mom and my mother-in-law are probably the only other 2 people on the planet who feel as passionately as I do about Sarah's artwork. So, this post may elicit a well-deserved eye roll or two that I have become one of "those" parents, but that is OK with me. Because, in my opinion, the process of seeing Sarah go from a toddler who just enjoys the action of scribbling with a crayon across a page to actually being able to draw something that resembles something in reality (all this in only about a year's time!) has been nothing short of incredible.
This is from late fall, when Sarah was in her very prolific painting blobs of non-sensical color stage.
More recently, this Spring, she was doing lots of multi-colored scribbles, many of which I loved, like this one.
Then, all the sudden one day about a month ago, out of nowhere, she draws this. I was astounded! I immediately took a picture with my phone and texted it to David. I mean, not that long ago, she was a BABY, for goodness sakes, and now she draws little people! It's just miraculous, seriously!
And now she draws pictures with stories, like this one which is a self-portrait, but with long hair. She added an "S" on the side, since she knows that is the first letter in Sarah. :)
I found this little guy on a receipt I had left lying around; she informed me this one is a "king." In fact, pretty much any paper surface she can get a hold of these days is quickly decorated with one of these (adorable, in my opinion) little figures: grocery lists, the inside covers of books, old church bulletins, etc. I have to say, I am head over heels charmed by these little guys!!!
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